Hourly Consulting

225.00 inc. VAT

Hours of private consulting*


Private consulting by the hour. Hours are tracked for all involved time both with customer and time apart as needed for preparation, research, equipment setup, coordination, document writing, reviewing/writing code, etc.

  • General consulting and advice; though my expertise is in computers and IT
  • Architecture
  • Coding
  • Feedback
  • Mentoring
  • Tutoring

* All hours are rounded up to the next whole hour. Partial hours are not refundable. You agree that this consulting is a free choice and you accept responsibility for all outcomes. This consulting comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. I can’t guarantee something that I can not control — I neither guarantee that a solution is always correct, nor that I find a solution. Naturally, we can agree to other terms at your request and with mutual agreement.