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OAK sensor plugin for Cycling74 Max


dp.oak is a plugin for the Cycling ’74 Max development environment to use your Luxonis OAK sensor with your Windows computer.

The current version is an “alpha” preview release for early testing and evaluation. It is early in the development cycle and not representative of the final features, performance, and quality work. I am interested in your experience with dp.oak. Please contact me with your feedback.

I provide limited support for the dp.oak “alpha”; it is not yet production-ready and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

No-Cost Licenses

dp.oak licenses are no-cost during the alpha time period. Click above 👆 to add it to your cart. These no-cost licenses are valid for 30 days. After it expires, you can get a new license for 30 more days. Please refer to the full terms and conditions.

Download, Setup, Tutorials, Documentation

Download: dp.oak-v1.3.20240619 (expires 20 August 2024)

Setup guide, tutorials, and documentation at

Support and Feedback

I am interested to hear your feedback on any bugs, crashes, or performance problems you have with dp.oak. Please visit my support resources available to you.


The set of features is similar to my Kinect plugins. Some features are not yet ready. The features still in development are listed below and crossed. Work is ongoing to enable the missing features.

  • Color image and depth sensor output in many pixel formats
  • Many resolutions, frame rate control, alignment, and undistortion
  • User identification, location, and occlusion
  • Skeleton joint tracking (up to 6 people)
  • Point clouds, accelerometer, and gravity
  • Optional hardware acceleration and GPUs for image processing
  • Data alignment, filtering, smoothing, rotation to gravity
  • jit.anim.node can be connected to automatically recalculate all OAK data for a AR/VR world, compensate for your OAK’s location, or to coordinate and combine multiple OAK sensors
  • Output data in native Max messages or OSC
  • Built with the modern DepthAI Core SDK
  • Supports OAK-1, OAK-D, OAK-D-Lite, etc.
  • …more features to come before the final release


Your existing patches may work with only a change of the object name to (dp.oak).

Many dp.oak features are compatible with my other depth sensor plugins: dp.kinect3, dp.kinect2, dp.kinect, jit.openni.  You can mix and change sensors to meet your needs.